Wednesday, November 11, 2015

“Armoring Filipino Readers for ASEAN Integration”
By: Jolo Van Clyde S. Abatayo

            The implementation of the K-12 program in the Philippines encountered delays, prompting questions about the preparedness and competency of its graduates. Moreover, as the nation grapples with numerous considerations, one pivotal query looms: Is the Philippines adequately prepared for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Integration? An essential facet of this question pertains to the country's libraries and whether they are sufficiently equipped to meet the diverse information needs of Filipino readers.

In 2015, an ASEAN Integration survey spearheaded by Sharon Maria S. Esposo-Betan delved into this query. Engaging academic library directors, Library and Information Science (LIS) professors, the Professional Regulatory Board for librarians, and the National Library director for their insights, the findings presented a mixed bag of perspectives. While 35% of respondents expressed confidence in Philippine libraries' readiness for ASEAN integration, an equal percentage demurred, expressing apprehensions. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% harbored reservations, indicating a prevalent uncertainty. Evaluating these results, one discerns a landscape of cautious optimism amid tangible apprehensions regarding our libraries' capacities to adeptly cater to educational and research needs.

Navigating through the digital age, the reading habits and preferences of the populace have morphed considerably. In our current epoch, where technological proficiency is nearly ubiquitous and the allure of automation is tangible, the role and offerings of libraries must evolve in tandem. While a segment of the population retains a penchant for traditional print books, an increasing number gravitate toward digital formats. Libraries, therefore, stand at a juncture where adaptation and innovation are imperative.

In this light, Philippine libraries must bolster their efforts, amplifying their resolve just a tad more to ascend to new zeniths of excellence. Esteemed as the heart of learning, libraries face the formidable challenge of reshaping their outlook, embarking on transformative journeys to present their pinnacle offerings to Filipino readers. Echoing Lucius Annaeus Seneca, "It’s a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness"; our libraries, pivoting toward innovation and inclusivity, are set on a path that, while strenuous, promises transcendence in service and resources for the nation.


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